Tuesday, September 05, 2006

SAAC Meeting Mins. 09.03.06


1. Craig Littlepage spoke about expectations for student athlete behavior.
a. Student Leaders should take the message back to teams that we need to be responsible and representative of the program, not make selfish decisions and to think about consequences.
b. Be aware that newspaper writers and employers check court records, face book, my space, etc. everyday.
2. Jim Booz: JPJ dining/ parking
a. New facility, how is it affecting student athletes?
b. Access
i. SID card, or with biometrics system.
c. Parking
i. Information given in compliance meetings will allow compliance to issue parking permits for those who have vehicles.
ii. Green passes will be used to park at the track grass lot and the cage lot.
iii. There are 400-500 athletes with cars, not enough spaces
1. Carpool
2. not for parking to come to the event
3. Bus system will continue when events are at JPJ, not as frequent though
d. Meal Plans at JPJ
i. Appeals process for those who are required to purchase meal plan
1. Realized we were informed late for budget reason, can submit a monthly budget to be reviewed
2. this will be the only year for the appeals process, next year will be mandatory
ii. Concerns
1. Can there be a plan with fewer meals per semester. 50?
2. Dietary needs?
a. What will be done to accommodate lactose intolerant, specific diets?
3. Time demands; are the hours 5-8 not enough to allow athletes enough time to eat?
4. Suggestion forms will be set up in dining hall
5. Opening facility on weekends?
a. Good recruiting tool
b. Many athletes with Saturday practice
6. Crosswalk, looks as though there may be on in progress between McCue and JPJ
7. Cannot bring regular students to dining hall
e. Problems/ concerns contact Jim Booz,
i. Booz@virginia.edu
3. www.UVAlifeskillsbogspot.com
a. Phil’s life skills website need input back to make it a useful tool
b. SAM’s/ SAAC and surveys for issues such as JPJ


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